This highly sought after service is a complete removal, NOT a bypass. Our Free Online Guide of How to Remove the previous Owner's Apple ID will have your MacBook iCloud Unlocked in Minutes.

Activation Lock is one of the hardest locks and/or restrictions to remove from any iOS device. The term "Activation Lock" is the same thing as an "iCloud Lock". Activation Lock is the technical term but is widely known as iCloud Lock. To remove an iCloud lock from a MacBook is possible and the following steps and procedures we are going to get into is a 100% complete removal. This is NOT a bypass. It is recommended to STAY AWAY from a Bypass. If you perform an iCloud Bypass on a MacBook it only causes issues down the road such as the the lock reappearing after an iOS firmware update or even a reboot. The solutions we offer completely removes the remaining Apple ID the previous owner was using. For a detailed description of what an Activation iCloud Lock is and how to properly sign out of your old device please see our dedicated post HERE.
Simply put an Activation Lock or iCloud Lock is when the previous user did not sign out of their Apple ID account before you are ready to use the device. If you purchase used iOS devices from auctions or online marketplaces such as Mercari, OfferUp or Facebook Marketplace chances are you have probably come across an Apple device where the previous owner has not signed out of their account before the device makes it's way to you. It is an inconvenience but have no fear. The following steps should get your device back in working condition without any trace of the previous owners Apple ID. It will be completely removed!
*All of the following steps will also generally work for Non-Carrier (Apple Store Purchased, WiFi) iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch as well as MacBook. I say generally because the steps are very similar to apple products NOT associated to a carrier.
First Step is you need to get the official info or a full report on the MacBook. Some Unlock Servers require more info for you to submit about the iCloud Locked MacBook than other servers. Some Unlock Servers require the Full GSX Report along with the device Serial Number to remove the previous owners Apple ID. Some Unlock Servers only require the device Serial Number. Not all Unlock Servers on our List of Approved Unlock Servers have this iCloud Lock Removal Service. I will recommend a couple below but please create a "reseller" account on as many Unlock Servers as you can and scan the services available for iCloud Removal on MacBook. For a detailed explanation of what a Full Apple GSX Report is and where to get one please see the following link HERE. We recommend Phone Style Server & Direct Codes. Most of the Unlock Servers we approve have services for a Full GSX Report. It is a common service offered by most all legit unlock servers on our list.
Second step is to see if the MacBook is iCloud Locked. You will be able to tell if it is iCloud Locked either via the customer or the device not passing the activation lock screen or if the GSX report shows "iCloud Lost" or if FMI (Find My Device) Shows "Lost". A MacBook can be iCloud Locked with the previous owner's Apple ID still present on the MacBook if the GSX Report Shows "Lost" or "Clean". If a MacBook is iCloud Locked but it is "Clean" that means the previous owner's Apple ID is still on the device, they just have not reported it "Lost" in the Apple "Find My" App (basically they have not reported it lost or stolen). If the MacBook is iCloud Locked but it is "Lost" that means the previous owner's Apple ID is still on the device and they have reported it "Lost" in the Apple "Find My" App (basically they have reported it lost or stolen). It is easier to remove an Apple ID - Activation iCloud Lock from an iOS device if the device is "Clean". However, it is still possible to remove the previous owner's Apple ID if the device is considered "Lost". Please search for the service on the servers. The services will be titled "iCloud Remove Clean" or "iCloud Removal Lost".
Third step is to search the Unlock Servers for the appropriate service that matches your MacBook information from the Apple GSX report you pulled on the device in the previous step. Again, all the Unlock Servers will have different services. It is up to you to search them for the best service for your device. We usually use Phone Style Server for all or most all of our icloud unlocks for MacBooks. Others servers have better iCloud Lock Removals for iPhone but for MacBooks Phone Style Server has the biggest selection of MacBook Activation Lock Removal Services. See examples below.

Please observe the general wait time for the service you select. Some are immediate, meaning it is literally removed within a few minutes. Some services labeled "slow" can take up to a couple weeks. These times are all estimates and not exact wait times. This is a server side removal, meaning once you submit the device Serial Number it is routed through the Apple servers to get the locked Apple ID removed from the device. These are direct unlocks. It is done remotely and the server actually removes the previous owner's Apple ID. There is NOT a person physically removing this lock. It is all done via servers, the same servers Apple uses internally.
*Please Note* The MacBook MUST BE POWERED OFF DURING THIS SERVICE. The unlock servers cannot and will not remove the Activation Lock if the MacBook or iOS device is powered on. It absolutely must not be connected to a network and must be turned off, powered off. If the device is powered on or connected to a network while the service attempts to be completed it will get rejected. This is a little known fact that you must acknowledged.
Most services are very dependable and close to 100% success rate. If you are one of the unlucky ones where the device gets rejected by the service (less than 5% of devices get rejected if properly submitted) please check the GSX Report and double check and make sure you submitted the device's Serial Number to the correct service. Most all rejections are due to the user submitting the device's Serial Number to the incorrect service. Try pulling another Apple GSX Report from a different server. Most all have the same info but there has been a time or two where a MacBook I submitted for iCloud Lock Removal was rejected and I pulled another Apple GSX Report on the device from another different server and sure enough the info on the GSX Report was slightly different. I resubmitted and it was unlocked.
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